We are Trinity Advocates.
We are based in Exeter and are used to providing specialist advice and advocacy to our clients in the South West, accused of a crime or needing prison law help. People get arrested or interviewed at all hours and we still have a 24/7 service for such situations, just tell the police you want Trinity Advocates help or call us on 01392 927111. We have the expertise to step in at all stages of the justice process to increase your chances of the best outcome..

Arrested? 24 hr free help.
There are significant advantages to using your right to a free lawyer as soon as you can after arrest. We want to be there for our own clients and expect to be called on to attend and advise at all times. There are several rights to enforce and risks to be aware of..

Interviews under caution
Voluntary and under arrest.
Voluntary interviews with police or any authority with power to investigate an offence pose a risk to your chances of the best case outcome. All interviews that can be used in evidence in a criminal prosecution should be held under “caution”. How the suspect answers questions or not will have a big impact on the Court result. Get us involved and we will do our best to help you make your decisions early on..

Helping through the investigation
There are many possible outcomes after an interview under caution, either voluntary or under arrest. The investigators and prosecution can take a long time over progress. If asked to, we will chase the answers for our client. If you had no lawyer at interview or you want to make a change, then someone at Trinity Advocates can talk over with you what might happen next and get involved. Here is more detail on what can happen after interview..

What is going to happen at the first court hearing?

Crown Court or Magistrates?
At the first hearing there can be a choice which of the Magistrates or the Crown Court to have your case heard. This needs good advice. This is a run down of the different criminal courts and the basic differences..

Prison Law: securing your release
Life sentenced prisoners need help through the parole board process to secure release, prisoners can be given extra days to their sentence at adjudications and prisoners released on license can be recalled if probation say their conduct puts them at risk to the public. Our Suzanne Sage and Peter Seigne can help, starting with getting you legal aid..

Damage limitation: Sentencing.
If and when it comes to sentencing our experience and knowledge counts for a lot. We need to be robust, our clients should only be punished for what they’ve admitted or been proven to have done wrong. We have to highlight where the law or the facts demand leniency or mercy. We have to set a tone that respects the seriousness of the sentencing exercise as well as seeking the fairest outcome for our client…

Fighting your case
Once a client has determined to fight their case at trial, we will identify the issue, the law to apply, decide what disclosure and questions to ask of the Prosecution and their witnesses, discuss what work to do to test the Prosecution case and to establish our client’s defence. That might include obtaining witness statements or arranging our own expert assessments or testing. It will mean spending time with the client to be clear about the detail of their defence..

Funding, appeals, breaches and challenging orders.
We have the lawyers to advise, prepare and present a case at all stages. If it is complex or serious then we have the experience and resources. If it is related to criminal law, then ask us how we can help and how the work can be funded..